What is more logical, that it's a bear, or that we let our imagination get the best of us and it's something else?
episode 3: The Quarry
we got us some city boys hiking in the mountains fishing. one is walking with a very pronounced limp. probably not going to be easy to run away from Bigfoot....
I read Urban Bigfoot 2 and put Urban Bigfoot Em's Journal, Urban Bigfoot 3, and Urban Bigfoot 4 in my amazon cart (along with 2 Stephen King books.) I have to know what happens to Em and Baby Clump. they left us driving off in a stolen pick up truck after she found a severed Bigfoot head in the freezer of the house she was staying in after her escape from the underground....what was Donnie up to? and what kind of meat is in all those packages in the freezer????
camping in the woods....howling....knocking on trees...putting out apples and glow sticks and turning on the old game cam...sounds like a plan! maybe someday Kevin & I will do this and make our own 10 minute video...I love living vicariously through others adventures!
Em is a mother who falls into a well jogging and ends up in an underground Bigfoot colony.....where she is saved by Stem. we follow her journey of living in the dark, in the dirt, with no modern conveniences. she misses her family. he goes hunting and brings back her dog. which is sweet, but also creepy. he knows where she lives. and they won't let her leave. she tries to escape, building a ladder tying sticks together. but she gets scared and goes back, the ladder breaks. and she has her human/Bigfoot baby there. Baby Clump's arrival ends book 1.
As I lay here, I feel so grateful to have had a happy life.
This is my journey. I am going to enjoy my adventure and do what I want to do.
there wasn't a 4th year, unfortunately. took them a long time to figure out what the creature was, they thought someone was trying to scare them off the property. there were footsteps and howls and glowing red eyes in the forest. glimpses of something big and dark running. their son talked of a monster in the woods. rocks thrown at the house. animals disappearing. Bigfoot talking to their kids through their bedroom windows. juvenile Bigfoot in the tree. door ripped
off barn. Bigfoot stepping on her flowers. Bigfoot ripped off the back door and tore up their kitchen. Bigfoot is on the porch. Bigfoot's on the roof. Bigfoot throwing rocks and logs through the windows. Bigfoot even tore up the Xmas lights and Xmas tree. this family end up packing the truck and leaving. giving up on their dream of a self-sufficient farm in the mountains. through it all, stay-at-home mom Jada details her sleepless nights, her endless coffee consumption, keeping three squares a day on the table, her struggles to hang laundry on the line, scanning the yard for Bigfoot while her children are at play, pestering her poor husband Jake with endless questions that no one has the answer to. her unease. her fears. her jumpiness. her constant dependence on her neighbor Karen. the books are short. but powerful. I tell you what, I had goosebumps when Bigfoot was on the roof. it was a SyFy movie, folks. don't know how I existed before I knew of these books, but my life has forever changed.