Friday, November 20, 2015


One day at a time. One of the fellows, I think it was Doc, said, Well you want to quit? I said, "Yes, Doc, I would like to quit, at least for five six, or eight months until i get things straightened up and begin to get the respect of my wife and some other people back and get my finances fixed up and so on." And they both laughed very heartily and said, "Thats better than you been doing, isn't it?" which of course was true. They said, "We have got some bad news for you. It was bad news for us and it will probably be bad news for you Whether you quit six days months or years if you go watch an episode or two of Finding Bigfoot, you'll end up in this hospital tied down just like you have been in these past six months. you are a Bigfooter."

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