Friday, January 29, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
you gotta be enthusiastic to hunt Bigfoot if you're a member of the Mountain Monsters or Alaska Monsters. You can be convinced your witnesses saw a Bigfoot, or equally convinced they were being pranked by someone in a suit if you're on Finding Bigfoot.
right now the AIMS team is tracking the Stonish Giant in Ohio. He's a big bastard, and he's been shot by a deer hunter. pissing blood. which means shot in kidney, or bruised kidney. he tripped over this log. he fell down here. here's the stick structure he built. that means he's marking his territory, like your dog pissing on a tree. last season someone was following them. and on the season opener, they heard 2 shots, and saw 4 men dragging a large body on a tarp into a trailer. they killed their damn bigfoot. they're gonna get to the bottom of it. last season they found a bigfoot burial ground....and left us hangin'. \
MOUNTAIN MONSTERS Season Premiere Tonight: Will the Stonish Giant Be Too Much Bigfoot for AIMS to Handle?

Monday, January 25, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016
As a seldom-sighted creature of myth, Bigfoot is sort of similar to Santa Claus, if Santa Claus was an eight-foot-tall, fur-covered, naked forest monster. There are those who are convinced that Bigfoot is real, however, and some—such as the Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (or AIMS)—have dedicated their lives to finding proof. Whether you believe in him or not, here are ten surprising Bigfoot facts, as told by those who swear that the (hairy) truth is out there:

While many cultures have their own version of Bigfoot—including the formidable Yeti of the Himalayas, also known as the Abominable Snowman—America lays claim to several types all of its own. According to AIMS, there are more than 12 different types of Bigfoot inhabiting Appalachia, ranging from the more human-looking Grass Man (rendered above) to the vicious, eight-foot-tall Midnight Whistler.

Native Americans have their own reported sightings of Bigfoot that predate modern accounts by millennia. These come from several tribes, including the Iroquois and Shawnee. One Cherokee legend even tells of a Bigfoot called the Tsul 'Kalu (aka the Cherokee Devil) that married a young girl and was blamed for all of the tribe’s misfortunes thereafter. Image Source: Flickr

First spotted by the Iroquois, the aforementioned Midnight Whistler is thought to be the first clan of Bigfoot to venture beyond the cave systems where they hid from humans. It is believed to have used waterways to spread throughout Appalachia and eventually evolve into the different Bigfoot clans reported today. The nocturnal creature weighs 400 pounds, has jet black fur, and glowing green eyes, and communicates with a booming whistle that allegedly resembles a steam engine. Image Source: Flickr

Cherokee legend has it that the Tsul 'Kalu had the power to read people’s minds. Present-day witnesses have claimed to lose time after sighting the Bigfoot, similar to the effect reported by those who claim to have been abducted by aliens: Hours pass in the blink of an eye, and the victim is left unable to recall what happened to them. And sometimes, of course, Bigfoot just makes people strip naked and go crazy. Image Source: Flickr

In Appalachia, Chupacabras are referred to as West Virginia Vampires, thanks to the local belief that they suck on the blood of woodland creatures. AIMS believes that Bigfoot may use Chupacabras the same way hunters use bloodhounds, with the Chupacabras catching the prey and the Bigfoots swooping in to retrieve the body. In return, Bigfoots act as muscle for Chupacabras, protecting them from traps when curious monster hunters get too close. As you might expect, no evidence currently exists to support this theory. Image Source: Flickr

Some Bigfoot investigators believe the creatures communicate with each other—and even with humans—by knocking on wood with their fists, or possibly a club or stick. This bears similarity to gorillas, who have been shown to clap their hands in warning during instances of alarm. Image Source: Flickr

One suggestion for Bigfoot’s existence is that it is a member of a race of presumed-extinct apes—the largest who ever lived—who crossed the Bering land bridge from Asia and into the United States. However, no Gigantopithecus fossils have yet been found in America. Image Source: Flickr

An apple a day does not keep Bigfoot away. According to AIMS’ investigations, one Bigfoot type called a Yahoo has surfaced in the orchards of West Virginia’s rough country, where Golden Delicious apples are abundant. The Yahoo, they claim, is ten feet tall and weighs up to 1,000 pounds, with scat as large as an apple pie. According to at least one news source, Bigfoot also enjoys blueberry bagels. Image Source: Flickr

The most aggressive Bigfoot in Appalachia is ominously called the Wildman. Alleged to be eight feet tall, 500 pounds, covered in jet black fur, and unafraid of people, the Wildman is a close relative of the Midnight Whistler, but with an even worse temper. In the 1700s, the Shawnee claimed the Wildman was responsible for the deaths of seven members of their tribe. Image Source: Flickr
One suggested reason for the lack of evidence of Bigfoot’s existence is the idea that these creatures bury their dead. There have been several reports of the discovery of Bigfoot burial grounds over the years, and while most come from less than reputable sources, it would perhaps explain why no one has ever stumbled across a Bigfoot carcass in the wild.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
Bigfoot merchandise.......
he sells a lot of shit, folks! but he needs a better lawyer, because he could make a killing in royalties!

Bigfoot is out there, lurking in a wooded area near you. TV shows like Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot have put the spotlight on the hairy Sasquatch, and have contributed to the increased interest in hunting for Bigfoot. To be clear, this activity, also known as Squatching, simply involves searching for and observing the elusive man-beast. Some shows, like Destination America’s Killing Bigfoot, highlight idiots who attempt to hunt and kill Bigfoot. People like that are just assholes. Please, don’t kill Bigfoot. If you’re not an asshole, and you just want to find Bigfoot to prove to yourself, your friends, and everyone else that Sasquatch is real, then here are some items that will help you in your quest. A VIDEO CAMERA Still cameras are great. But video is better. Besides, what good does it do to find Bigfoot if you don’t have sweet video to upload to YouTube? Any video camera will suffice, but, obviously, higher quality is preferred. Footage shot with a high-quality video camera will stand up (a little) better to scrutiny when presenting your evidence. This is 2015. There’s no reason for your Bigfoot video to look like the Patterson-Gimlin film. You can shoot better footage with your cell phone. But, please, take a better camera than your cell phone.

An easy-to-operate, small, lightweight video camera with a good zoom and decent low-light imaging is a wise choice. You don’t want a cumbersome, complicated camera when you’re running through the forest trying to capture your Bigfoot footage. AUDIO RECORDER Bigfoot researchers believe the gentle giants communicate to each other through grunts, groans, whistles, and other vocalizations. Some researchers also believe that repetitive knocking using rocks or wood is a communication method employed by Bigfoot. So it’s a good idea to take something with you that records audio on your Sasquatch search.
Night vision scopes and goggles are great for spotting something in the dark woods. But not all of these have the ability to record still images or video. So make sure that the night vision equipment you use can either record to internal memory, or has the ability to send video to an external recording device. WITNESSES: If you happen to spot Bigfoot or hear some noises you suspect might be from Bigfoot, that’s badass. But, even if you manage to capture audio or video, your friends probably won’t believe your Sasquatch story. It certainly helps corroborate your evidence if you have witnesses with you who can back up your claims. Plus, hanging out in the woods by yourself if pretty creepy. Get some friends to join you, and you’ll have a better experience, even if you don’t spot Bigfoot. PATIENCE: Like UFO watching, Squatching requires patience. Lots of patience. So if you aren’t the type who can sit for hours just waiting for something to happen, then Bigfoot hunting isn’t for you. BUSINESS BUCKET: When you’re hanging out deep in the woods all day and night waiting for Bigfoot to make any kind of movement, you’ll eventually need to make your own movement. You won’t usually find toilet facilities in the middle of the woods. So you might want to bring along a makeshift port-o-potty like the Business Bucket.OM’S #1 RECOMMENDATION Tom DeLonge has spent some time searching for Sasquatch. So I asked him what he would take Squatching if he could only bring one thing. “A Thermal Camera. When all else fails, you can see a warm colorful entity following you around in the darkest of nights . . . And even if it ends up just being a deer or a coyote, you get a sense that it’s definitely paranormal and trying to eat your soul.”
Sunday, January 17, 2016
On the evening of Tuesday March 22, 2011 I and a friend of mine Carolyn Wright were driving down Golden Valley Road in northern Rutherford County North Carolina just off Highway 226 when we both observed a large upright brown furry animal between six and seven feet tall come up out of the field beside the road and then it ran across the road in front of the pick up truck we were in.

Friday, January 15, 2016
Exists arrived today. watched it alone in the dark. scared myself shitless. all because some Bigfoot guy on facebook recommended it to me!

and I wouldn't change a thing! I really do think if there are bigfoot....some of them will be assholes. especially if you run over their kid and kill them....
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Friday, January 8, 2016
you meet the coolest people on facebook.....
while sorting thru dvds awhile back, discovered I had 2 of 2 different dvds...one watched, the other unopened. so, put them on one of my facebook bigfoot pages. had a couple of people who wanted them. the first guy lives in WILLOW CREEK. yep, THE Willow Creek... how cool is that?
you can meet the coolest people on facebook.....MY BF BLOG: http://bigfootbooksblog.blogspot.com/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/smartbigfoot/ On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BIGFOOTBOOKSBLOG BF BOOKS on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BigfootBooks BLUFF CREEK PROJECT: Blog, http://bluffcreekproject.blogspot.com/ Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/BluffCreekProject YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/user/BluffCreekProject ******************************************************************* BIGFOOT'S bLOG Cryptic News from the Willow Creek View. Transhuman Sasquatch Strangeness from the Middle of Nowhere. A Voice Howling out from the Klamath-Trinity-Siskiyou Wilderness. This is the Megaphone of Steven Streufert and Bigfoot Books, a Used Book Store in Willow Creek, Humboldt County, Extreme Northern Ca… bigfootbooksblog.blogspot.com I actually met the guys who did BIGFOOT COUNTY when they were out here. They were kind of sneaky fellows, actually, and pretended to be "Anthropology students from UCLA" to get interviews.We helped Bobcat make that (Willow Creek). I'm in it. It's cool, but also very boring in the winter, and overwhelming with Bigfooters in the summer.
so, today after work I media mailed the dvds to Stephen of Willow Creek, CA. Brian recommended a 'found footage' bigfoot movie to me: EXISTS. so, ordered it off amazon today. cool beans!
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Sasquatch grant me the serenity and the camouflage to accept the things I cannot change in Bigfoot Research; courage to change the things I can, like game camera positions; and wisdom to know the difference between evidence and fantasy.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Saturday, January 2, 2016
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