Friday, January 8, 2016

you meet the coolest people on facebook.....

while sorting thru dvds awhile back, discovered I had 2 of 2 different watched, the other unopened. so, put them on one of my facebook bigfoot pages. had a couple of people who wanted them. the first guy lives in WILLOW CREEK. yep, THE Willow Creek... how cool is that?
you can meet the coolest people on facebook.....
MY BF BLOG: Facebook Group: On Facebook: BF BOOKS on YouTube: BLUFF CREEK PROJECT: Blog, Facebook, YouTube, *******************************************************************
BIGFOOT'S bLOG Cryptic News from the Willow Creek View. Transhuman Sasquatch Strangeness from the Middle of Nowhere. A Voice Howling out from the Klamath-Trinity-Siskiyou Wilderness. This is the Megaphone of Steven Streufert and Bigfoot Books, a Used Book Store in Willow Creek, Humboldt County, Extreme Northern Ca…
I actually met the guys who did BIGFOOT COUNTY when they were out here. They were kind of sneaky fellows, actually, and pretended to be "Anthropology students from UCLA" to get interviews.
We helped Bobcat make that (Willow Creek). I'm in it.
It's cool, but also very boring in the winter, and overwhelming with Bigfooters in the summer.
so, today after work I media mailed the dvds to Stephen of Willow Creek, CA. Brian recommended a 'found footage' bigfoot movie to me: EXISTS. so, ordered it off amazon today. cool beans!

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