"You wanna know if I've seen Bigfoot?
"Well, have ya?"
"Only on tv."
not really sure what happened here...I must've dozed off....
"You wanna know if I've seen Bigfoot?
"Well, have ya?"
"Only on tv."
not really sure what happened here...I must've dozed off....
SE Massachusetts. Hockomock Swamp...Freetown...Fall River State Forest...Jeff Belanger, author. Christopher Pittman and Chris Balzano met working in a sub shop...Rehoboth....Loren Coleman, King Philip's War, native American curses, The International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine...Claybanks One & Claybanks Two Bigfoot sightings...BTET: armed with rifles and cameras looking for Bigfoot...
"You're never gonna see a documentary about a haunted McDonald's." (trust me, if I found one, I would fall asleep watching it. it's what I do.)
"To this day I don't know what I saw, but I saw it, it was out there." (this totally sums up my ghost hunting experiences! totally!)
Dighton Rock...and then I fell asleep.
"You're never gonna see a documentary about a haunted McDonald's." (trust me, if I found one, I would fall asleep watching it. it's what I do.)
"To this day I don't kow what I saw, but I saw it, it was out there." (this totally sums up my ghost hunting experiences! totally!)
Dighton Rock...and then I fell asleep.
and this one.....
the granddaughter of the man who hunted the Honey Island Swamp Monster has made a documentary. it was pretty interesting! lots of witness accounts, and these were real people.
and now am going to zone out in front of the tv series I found last night on amazon.....Bigfoot Town.
"Looks like I'm going to find out if Mum's a serial killer." (I kinda think this is something one of my own kids would say....)
"If Bigfoot craps in the woods does he use tree bark or a woodland creature as toilet paper?"
No Bigfoot's were harmed during the making of this movie.
cryptid. that one word in the movie description draws me in, every single time. and I wasn't disappointed. Bigfoot is an alien. seeking women with O- bloodtype. the bodies are found with organs removed.
"Hope we don't die."
"We're all gonna die."
1 gunshot won't kill Bigfoot. how bouts chopping him up with your axe? yeah, but the UFO came and got him. we do learn that Aloe Vera plants will ward off Bigfoot. put them in all windows and doors. carry them around outside. worked for them.
this is a Small Town Monsters documentary. I did my first Kickstarter last year, can't remember if my name was in the credits or what level I contributed. it took me about 5 viewings to get through it, I kept dozing off. then, they cut the Kickstarter credits off while they're still rolling....didn't see my name. but didn't get to see all the names, anyway. I guess it was free. tying Bigfoot and UFOs together....
"So, was all that true about Sock Watch?"
"It's Sasquatch. And I don't know."
"Are you awake? Did you hear that noise? Is it Scotch Wot?"
"Sasquatch. It's probably just an owl."
Bigfoot are extremely fond of garlic, love hotdogs, and are able to mimic humans.
"So, all Bigfoot wanted was your panties?"
Bigfoot's drinking beer, smoking weed, and checking out the ladies. sometimes the myth is more important than the truth.