Kewaunee Lapseritis, AS, BA, MS, MH
Kewaunee is a Holistic Health Consultant, Master Herbalist and Master Dowser with background in anthropology, psychology, conservation, and holistic health. His academic degrees are from: Greenfield Community College, Greenfield, Massachusetts; University of New Hampshire—Durham; North Adams State College, in North Adams, Massachusetts, and University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee. He also attended Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Kewaunee taught anthropology for one year at North Adams State College and later taught dowsing and psychic development at the Wisconsin Society for Psychic Reasearch—Milwaukee. As a world authority on the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon, he has meticulously researched the subject for the last 62 years. Mr. Lapseritis is also a social scientist and both a Sasquatch and ET “contactee.”
As a world traveler, an amateur naturalist, and avid backpacker with wilderness skills, Mr. Lapseritis spent five years out of the country living in England, East Africa, and Japan, later immigrating to Australia, and has visited over 40 countries around the globe. He was in the Himalayas in 1968 investigating the Yeti, or “abominable snowman.” In 1973, he conducted an ethnographic study in conjunction with the Colombian Institute of Anthropology in Bogota, living amongst the Tukuna Indians of Upper Amazonia.
In 1979, scientist Kewaunee Lapseritis was first telepathically contacted by a Sasquatch and an ET simultaneously, which was the shock of his life! To further complicate matters, the contact changed him and he developed psychic ability overnight, which triggered a spiritual transformation. At the time, he was assistant director of an urban Indian agency, and had been working as a hypnotherapist part-time, as well as lecturing at the Medical College of Wisconsin—a background that left him ill-prepared for such a happening.
Kewaunee has been a guest on over 500 radio and television talk shows. To date, he has been featured in 29 books and is often featured in the international press, including various newspapers. Some of the publications are: Australia’s People and Post magazines, OMNI magazine, Magical Blend, Cryptozoology (journal), Wildfire, Fate, Argosy, UFO magazine, Health Consciousness, and many others. In 1991, he was on a panel of scientists on a two-hour Bigfoot documentary on national television. Plus, he has appeared on The Discovery Channel twice. He has lectured and presented papers throughout the United States 70 different times.
There are people all over the globe encountering Bigfoot and UFOs simultaneously while the beings share information about themselves, human history, and the future of our planet. If anyone wishes to share in confidence their telepathic conversation(s) and experiences with the Sasquatch people, please feel free to contact this author and he will answer all correspondence personally.
Psychic Sasquatch Contactees Documented Since 1979
Master Herbalist
Holistic Health Consultant
Master Dowser
Kewaunee Lapseritis, M.S. is a Master Herbalist, Wellness Educator, and Holistic Health Consultant with a Masters in Science. He has spent over 40 years studying and serving others in the field of Herbology, and Holistic Health Wellness and Planning. He has four degrees in the following fields: Holistic Health and Health Planning, a double degree in Psychology/Anthropology, Conservation, and Liberal Arts.
Kewaunee has an extensive knowledge of herbs world-wide including Western, Amazonian, Chinese, Tibetan, and African. He is erudite in vitamins, amino acid therapy, diet, and natural supplements.
Kewaunee is also a Social Scientist conducting ongoing research in naturopathic therapies for life-threatening ailments. He has worked in two wellness centers as a Holistic Herbalist, always using a spirit-mind-body approach to healing. Among many other resources for information and training, Kewaunee studied Herbology and Botany with the Ojibwa traditional shaman, Keewaydinoquay, PhD in Ethno-Botany.
Kewaunee is a Master Dowser that has been practicing for over 39 years, since 1979. He studied with Master Dowser Ralph Noll at the Wisconsin Society for Psychic Research in Milwaukee. Kewaunee uses his unique skills to accurately locate MISSING PEOPLE, PETS, LOST ITEMS, CRIMINALS, WATER AND OIL WELLS. Kewaunee has assisted in locating some of the country’s most wanted criminals by working with police agencies.
Kewaunee is also a trained hypnotherapist who has been practicing for 40 years, since 1978. He specializes in hypnosis for Smoking Cessation, Past Life Regressions, Weight Loss, Behavioral, and dozens of other areas.
*** Kewaunee has had an amazing success rate with all of the services that he offers, being named the top of his class. References are provided upon request. He is also a professional speaker and presenter at conferences and workshops and is available for presentations and events in these fields of knowledge. ***
Kewaunee Lapseritis
P.O. Box 1384
Chewelah, WA 99109
Phone: 509-590-0415 (no text)
The Sasquatch have come out of hiding, and are communicating with shamans, healers, elders, and empaths all over the world. Many have formed close friendships. Discover the amazing reality of the Forest People. Part three of three films.
Genres Faith and Spirituality, Documentary
Director Hale Mednik
ain't gonna lie, had to pause and take a nap about half way through. their enthusiasm is contagious, but the background is all foresty and soothing, and they have such quiet voices, with frequent pauses to telepath with their Sasquatch and Star Guides...kind of like being nestled in your grandma's lap and she's telling you a story, your eyes just keep drifting closed....
laughter, smiles, hugs, being kind, gratitude, generosity, singing, and happiness. (hmm. do our Sasquatch smoke weed? they are such happy folk. not that I'm hating....)
Kamooh has a lot of wisdom, he in fact downloaded information that resulted in 2 books by SunBow, I think? and a female has been chosen for the next 2 books. by Kamooh the Sasquatch.
How much money does a person really need? my answer would be enough to survive. this kinda reminded me of the whole #freedom revolution at work recently....yeah, I'm unhappy at work. but I feel that I need my smart phone and unlimited channels on my flat screen and some amazon shopping and lots of gift shopping for my grand kids and books and t-shirts and hoodies and of course ghost I go to work.
I'll be happy at some later date. and I am happy, just not at work. it's all good in the neighborhood. rant over.
meditation and prayer to connect with I guess I'm screwed. oh, well. I still have the ghost hunts...
stop being judgemental. walk in unconditional love. focus on the positive. give what you can.
respect the earth. the trees. other living things.
there are 3 books by Kuwanee I need to find for my Bigfoot collection. (and the ones by Sunbow, as wish list, here I come....)
the one dude Sunbow was living on a bus, Sasquatch walking on his roof, sitting on his bed, standing outside his window. humans and Sasquatch can interbreed. he posted this information download to Facebook then wrote the books. The Sasquatch Message to Humanity. he found out he has Sasquatch in his family.
this woman's 10 year old daughter can communicate with the Sasquatch. Sasquatch choose to live simply. (of course they do. they don't have plug ins for their smart phones, and ya'll know they'd never have any signal.....) if I could run naked in the woods I'd probably live more simply, too. No. Pockets. I'd get tired of dragging my shit around and it'd get rained and snowed on and raccoons would steal it...
Sasquatch live in a balanced, simple, happy manner. signal. raccoons.
Cryptids are unknown animals. Bigfoot, Mothman, and the Loch Ness Monster are all mysterious cryptids that millions claim to have seen. This documentary explores the stories and validity of the 7 most popular and mysterious cryptids in history.
Genres Suspense, Documentary
Starring Erick Alden
our host is a bummer....he quickly and factually discredits some much beloved myths...I did enjoy the Teddy Roosevelt stories about "The Goblin" (Bigfoot.)
Jerry Williams explores a concept connecting cryptids like Bigfoot, UFOs, and the lore of the Faerie realm. Is there an origin race of creatures responsible for the eerie paranormal aspects of the UFO monster connection? After exploring it with his book Monsters of the UFO, Jerry Williams puts forth the concept of the origin species. Directed by Jerry Williams. Duration 25 min color.
Genres Faith and Spirituality, Special Interest, Documentary
Director Jerry Williams
Starring Jerry Williams
not really much to say on this one. although the using the dry erase board erasers as a visual tool was the highlight for me....
not really much to say on this one. although the using the dry erase board erasers as a visual tool was the highlight for me....
The Sasquatch have come out of hiding, and are communicating with shamans, healers, elders, and empaths all over the world. Many have formed close friendships. Discover the amazing reality of the Forest People. Part two of three films.
Genres Faith and Spirituality, Documentary
Director Hale Mednik
what I learned today: Sasquatch don't have to walk, they can travel through portals, often trees. they are inter dimensional beings. they can communicate verbally, with gestures, and physically with sonar and pings. humans have been interbreeding with Sasquatch for a long time. they believe in gift exchanges. If they break something of yours, they will try to replace it to say they're sorry. they taught native peoples. they love our artistic side. they are also artistic and will sign their work. they peel bark from sticks and trees. glyphs. they are telepathic, can cloak, live in clans, communicate with visions, dreams, mediation. Star allies. Heart space is important. they can appear as orbs. males smell like wet dogs or old wet towels left lying around, while females smell like peppermint or flowers. there are also Beetle People, Cricket People, Frog People, Dog Men, and Bear People, who also protect the earth. they can shape shift. they can see through the eyes of a rabbit, fox, or bluejay. (so if one is following you through the woods....) they love music...especially The Grateful Dead. Adult Sasquatch don't dance, children do.
Sasquatch that were called by name:
Feather. Tenaha. Balana. Forshana.
Jay Bachochin is an investigator in Wisconsin searching for the truth. He has looked for ghosts, UFOs and took a crack at solving an unsolved mystery. Now he's onto something much ... bigger. Join Jay's journey as he shares his 5 years of research in his quest looking for The Wisconsin Sasquatch. Experience a film that takes you beyond the woods and into the darkest parts of The Kettle Moraine.
enres Adventure, Documentary
Director Jay Bachochin
Starring Jay Bachochin, Linda Godfrey, Eric Altman
okay. whew! he has seen Bigfoot. hell, his kids have seen Bigfoot! I guess he believes Bigfoot is a gentle creature, not the horror movie rip everyone apart dude. 'cause he's taking these kids out into the woods. and, to his credit, he still has all his kids. and it's awesome that his wife & kids enjoy hiking with him and believe in his passion. just like Ferris Bueller, he's one righteous dude.
I've been all wrapped up in Shark Week (still have a ton of it on dvr) and No One Saw A Thing, but doing something Bigfoot felt right.
gotta mix all my crazy passions up now and again...