Monday, January 23, 2017

"Bastard! You won't outrun it!" "I don't give a fuck. I only have to outrun you."

yep, I'm watching Throwback.
this movie taught me: always wear a shirt over a t-shirt or cami so when someone leaves you handcuffed to a tree and you have to mutilate your hand with a rock to get free, or someone shoots you in the leg or Yowie runs a stick through your leg you have a handy bandage and are still decently clothed. Running a stick through Yowie's abdomen won't kill him, but throwing an ancient stick of dynamite you found in a tree at him will (and apparently your lighter will still work after being submerged in water several times.) Also, this is a good way to pick up a cute female park ranger. and to find an ancient castle ruin in the jungle. and to throw a few witty quips out there. They thought Yowie wouldn't cross the river. either they were wrong or there were Yowie's on both sides of the river. never did quite figure that one out.
OH! when you mutter "No one is going to fucking believe this" to yourself as you attempt to use your phone to take a pic of Yowie, turn the ringer off first. of course, after all the trouble you had finding a signal to call in to the police station, who would've thought you could receive a call???

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