Monday, April 10, 2017

I wish I could go.....but I have already taken so many selfish ghostly trips.....

I wasn't really meant to be a working girl on a budget. I am a vagabond at heart....
vagabond [vag-uh-bond]
adjective 1. wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe. 2. leading an unsettled or carefree life. 3. disreputable; worthless; shiftless. 4. of, relating to, or characteristic of a vagabond: vagabond habits. 5. having an uncertain or irregular course or direction: a vagabond voyage.
noun 6. a person, usually without a permanent home, who wanders from place to place; nomad. 7. an idle wanderer without a permanent home or visible means of support; tramp; vagrant. 8. a carefree, worthless, or irresponsible person; rogue.
The 2017 Pennsylvania Bigfoot Camping Adventure will return May 5, 6, 7th to Benners Meadow Run Campgrounds in Farmington PA. We're expanding to two days of returning and new speakers and workshops, camping, Bigfoot day and night time hikes, the Bigfoot cookout, Bigfoot film screenings, live music, vendors and more all for charity. Tickets sales and reservations will be available this fall. Stay tuned for more details and a new website coming soon.

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