Thursday, April 6, 2017

Jas Smith shared Don Jeffrey Meldrum's post to the group: Bigfootery. 17 hrs · Someone informed Dr J Meldrum this was a Topstone Caveman mask (popular in the 1950's) and informed the good Dr that Patty is a fake. What do you think ?

Someone just informed me that the P-G film was fake and offered the Topstone Caveman mask as the linchpin to his conclusion. It seems this mask was a popular item in the 50's, with a movie appearance in 1958 in 'Frankenstein's Daughter." This was news to me, so I found the mask pictured on-line...what do you think?
in my own personal just deb Bigfoot fan opinion....the photo of Patty from the video is too blurry to make any comparisons.....

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