Digging in to his own bargain bin of movies, redneck Bo McGraw finds this classic creature feature. A small town in Colorado is terrorized by a Yeti, claiming several victims and threatening the livelihood of the local ski resort. Everyone fears for their lives as the Bigfoot roams free. Somewhere between MST 3000 and Joe Bob Briggs, you'll want to grab a prime seat and riff along.
Genres Comedy, Horror
Director Jon Miller
Starring Steve Jenks
what's better than a classic Bigfoot movie? someone making fun of that movie right along with you!
Journey into the heart of Sasquatch Country with Todd Standing ("Survivorman Bigfoot"). Experience three incredible days in the field with bigfoot researchers and experts as they encounter a real life Sasquatch.
Genres Adventure, Documentary, Suspense
Director Todd Standing
Starring John Bindernagel, Jeffrey Meldrum, Todd Standing
I like how Todd Standing explains everything very slowly in a calm voice so I can grasp what is going on. he replays it over and over until even I can see what's going on. look! the apples disappeared! he leaves gifts of apples. Sasquatch have day watchers.
stick sculptures. footprints. tree breaks. foot stomps. chirps. growls.
He waxes poetic and thinks aloud like Zak Bagan's. hey, dude, I already believe in Sasquatch. you had me at the get go.
Koren called so Ian could sing me the bunny song he learned at preschool. melted my heart.
thanks, Alexander Graham Bell!
A legendary American war veteran is recruited to hunt a mythical creature.
I'm not sure what I really expected here. Bigfoot was just kind of a side note. he did put up a
valiant fight. he sure punched the hell out of Sam Elliott. and that man is still. a. badass. to. this. day. and now I've watched it and placed the dvd with my Bigfoot collection. moving on.... #abigfootmovieaday
Sasquatch can communicate telepathically with spiritual humans. and they burn 'choke weed' in their fires to increase digestion, help the children sleep better, and it grows all over in Colorado (they're talking mary jane, here folks.
wacky tabackey.)
and here we have this couple just sitting in camp chairs out in the woods casually chatting about telepathically communicating with Sasquatch. she does sketches of them. they visit her in person, or telepathically and tell her how they want to be portrayed....they want to be shown as they see each other, not as the monsters humans portray them to be.
some of her sketches are quite human. very soulful eyes.
ok. how exactly do I apply for the job of Sasquatch Experiencer? and where is my camp chair in the woods? I wanna hang with these people! I do notice many of them are wearing very very large necklaces. is this a requirement? I'm willing to wear a clunky necklace. in fact, I own several.
The Forest People...all these people they're interviewing are so happy, so peaceful, so calm. so matter-of-fact. The Blonde Sasquatch puts butterflies in her heart, flutters of joy. he is so happy. always smiling. another Sasquatch encourages to go ground, to play (get out in the forest. we forget that in our busy lives.) It's almost like going to church and hearing testimony. like a religion. you know, this is one religion I could buy into it. I'm all calm just watching.
Sasquatch love singing and dancing and play. they want you to be silly. they have teachings for those with open heart space. There are Sasquatch guides named RiRi and Jasmine (and she smells like jasmine). they are full of love and peace. and healing. We have Big Brothers and Big Sisters in the woods. so emotional. there's a conference. and this was just part 1. will have to find part 2. and part 3.
5 pals rent a cabin in the woods - unaware of it's horrific history. KillerReviews says "The Best Indie of 2010." Ain't It Cool News raves "...uses every slasher cliché, bends them over, and makes them its bitch with a likable cast and a strong script."
"I've seen entirely too many horror movies to be in a place like this." you and me both, brother.
well, it was grouped with the Bigfoot movies. never did see a Bigfoot, but it was fucked up.
and they said the word 'fuck' a lot, which is important in any good Bigfoot movie...and I'm not sure exactly what happened, which is also a key ingredient in a Bigfoot movie....so 2 thumbs up, I guess!
meteorite crashes the party forcing everyone to face their darkest fears.
"I've got to be the dumbest idiot to follow you. If I die here, you tell my mom it's your fault." (Joe, I don't know how to tell you this, dude, but I got a bad feeling ya'll gonna die here.
ain't gonna be no one left to tell your mama nuttin.' this. movie. is. terrifying. I may die just watching it. for reals. very Blair Witchy.)
FOR THE LOVE OF THE FLATWOODS MONSTER, DON'T RUN THROUGH THE CORN. I REPEAT: DON'T. RUN. THROUGH. THE. CORN. oh, boys. you ran through the corn. ugggghhhhhh. those fucking yellow balloons. did Stephen King write this shit?
"And that's when I realized it wasn't a cow, it was a goddamn Bigfoot."
they shot Bigfoot, and he's wearing a gorilla suit and sneakers. cause he's drunk Ryan in a gorilla suit, trying to sneak up on Bigfoot and and kick his ass.....and this is why we don't wear a gorilla suit in the woods or shoot Bigfoot, kiddos. shit happens. just let him rape scarecrows and maul a few hunters and go on his way. maybe he's real. and maybe he's a drunk dude in a gorilla suit....and for the love of the Jersey Devil, when you do shoot a guy in the woods thinking you'll score a Bigfoot head for your wall, don't run off and leave him lying there. seriously. but he lived, so it's all good.
And why the fuck would a Bigfoot come to the Bronx anyway? To go the fucking zoo?
ok...so what I think happened is the gangster dude that the other gangster dudes roughed up and shot and left for dead on that abandoned toxic waste island turned into Bigfoot and now he's hunting down the guys who killed him....I think.
I am a bit spacey these days.
well, it is Jerry the Mob guy who was banging the Don's girlfriend....
"What's the plan?"
"What's always the plan? Kill the motherfucker!"
quite seriously, I think I almost throw the F work around enough to hang with these guys...if they weren't all murdered by The Bronx Bigfoot, that is.....
I love his calm voice. could Sasquatch cloak or travel in portals? be linked to ET or UFOs or the paranormal? does he have to be a flesh and blood creature? a guy had Bigfoot looking in his window. another was grabbed by a Bigfoot while in his tent. 2 Bigfoots playing in the snow in a guys yard and throwing rocks at his house.
I'm always looking for Bigfoot, and maybe I'll find him here at Sasquatch Lodge, where myth just might become reality.....amazon prime is always there for me....
"They love these flowers. They eat them like Triscuts. So stay sharp."