Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Gracefield Incident

there's something in the woods....
meteorite crashes the party forcing everyone to face their darkest fears.
"I've got to be the dumbest idiot to follow you. If I die here, you tell my mom it's your fault." (Joe, I don't know how to tell you this, dude, but I got a bad feeling ya'll gonna die here. ain't gonna be no one left to tell your mama nuttin.' this. movie. is. terrifying. I may die just watching it. for reals. very Blair Witchy.)
FOR THE LOVE OF THE FLATWOODS MONSTER, DON'T RUN THROUGH THE CORN. I REPEAT: DON'T. RUN. THROUGH. THE. CORN. oh, boys. you ran through the corn. ugggghhhhhh. those fucking yellow balloons. did Stephen King write this shit?

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