Sunday, February 12, 2017

Night Claws 2012 "no Bigfoots were harmed during this production"

I had watched this one before. it's a classic. The Sheriff who is just a good old guy.
his love interest, Deputy Roberta. with her unbuttoned Deputy shirt and a flash of blue tank top underneath, her fabulous mane of hair, her perfect makeup.she survives. he does not.
who kills him? Not the scary-ass-horror-movie-gang of Bigfoot roaming the woods. The 'scientist' who is actually a man-hunter. she also has a fabulous mane of hair, perfect makeup, movie star sunglasses, the unbuttoned flowing shirt over the red tank top. and the so practical Knee high boots with her skinny jeans. she claims Bigfoot got her unfortunate assistant Thomas. she killed him herself. she also killed Mr. Sheriff. Now him and Deputy Roberta will never have that date that got interrupted by the unfortunate slaying of all those horny teenage kids in the woods.
throw in a trio of badass Bigfoot hunters, and a 3 day survivalist hiking group....(none of them survived the Bigfoots....)Charlie here was just an ass to his wife Cindy. always telling her to shut up. they are kidnapped by the Bigfoot hunters. he tells his wife to do whatever it takes to buy him time to get loose. then leaves her tied to the tree for the Bigfoots, since it's cheaper than divorce. He did die before her. Poetic justice.
There is the required scene where an important person (this time it's a councilman) reminds the Sheriff how important the Pumpkin Festival is, how they need the revenue from the thousands of expected guests to survive, to keep it quiet and solve it quickly.
I think my fave part (besides the disclaimer that no Bigfoots were harmed during this production) is that several of the actors were also the production people. getting their $$$ worth there. and how cool would it be to act in the movie, and do behind-the-scene shit, too?

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