at work I have a book
tucked in my locker for those rare days I get done a bit before time to walk risers, I'll clock out and read in the boot shed. and am I reading a doozy. I was on an Alaska kick for awhile. this is a making a home in the wilderness book, but in California. and I always love it when my interests collide. so guess who is mentioned in this book? guess. go ahead. give up?<
Tissy the Dog is growling. Marcy heard a deep masculine groan. Virg," she whispered. "That's Bigfoot." This was only a few years after the famous Willow Creek video and the tracks found at Bluff's Creek. Virg assures her they have a 30-30. "That book I read said someone shot a Bigfoot with a 30-30 and it didn't even phase it." the next morning they had to hike to their Jeep. No one wanted to meet Bigfoot on the trail so they hustled!and Joel Horn has a blog! and a facebook page....
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Bigfoot is everywhere!
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Expedition Sasquatch Take 2
confession: the Take 2 is just for me. I fell asleep the first time I tried to watch. so ff to about that time and started watching again today. And while I am sure I did doze off a time or 2, I got the greatest part of it watched. Will he find a rogue Sasquatch who wants to cuddle? or one that wants to eat him? Half of Sasquatch hunting is camping and having fun, right? This was filmed in the Canadian Rockies. lots of activity at Brown Creek Campground. Weird naked footprints in the woods. armed for predator protection. were the structures off the old logging road built by loggers as a prank? You want people close to you to care about what you believe in.
Friday, January 26, 2018
Territorial Behavior 2018

amazon prime has added new Bigfoot movies. I stayed awake All. The. Way. Through. This. One. I'm a big girl now! Nature doesn't care. and this Bigfoot is more graceful than a grizzly. He stalks. He growls. He has those glowing red eyes. You think the weird poacher dudes are pissing all over your tent at night? (I think it's Bigfoot.) Longest night of my life. Hey, buddy, you've already passed that stick structure. If I caught that, you are definitely lost. Just admit it. but admit it before you're too tired to give a fuck.

"I'm out here, in this fucking place!" (exactly how I feel at work. Each. And. Every. Day.) "I can't do it. I just can't do it." (again. exactly how I feel at work. you know the rest....)
small cast. our hero, Bailey, who is making that documentary to drum up business for his wilderness survival school. and voices on the phone: Todd, the guy who's gonna edit all the footage. Amber, the girlfriend. The Sheriff from Search & Rescue Party. The two dudes shooting at him. oh, yeah, and Bigfoot. This was shot in Ireland. beautiful beautiful location. Peter Bergen wrote, directed, produced, did sound mix and lighting....good job, man. Bravo.
what I've been sleeping in front of (ah. um. watching) on amazon prime....
Almost Live Season 1. I have watched something else he had on amazon prime Bigfoot related. I like how he's just a real guy out looking for Bigfoot. this is 'almost live' since his phone won't get signal on the mountain to go live, so he records with a camera, puts his logo and credits on, and posts it. thus, almost live. clever, eh? Thomas Marcum is looking for Bigfoot and ginseng. I tend to dose off, but I liked what I stayed awake for...he has quite the soothing voice.
so, then I tried to watch Survivorman Bigfoot Season 6.learned a few things.....always pee in the same spot. (mark your territory). There's not just one creature walking around the world photo bombing people. and Sabe is a Bigfoot name meaning Honesty. have the same problem with this show. my loveseat and jammies and blankie are too damn comfy. I tend to go night night watching fault of the stars of these own personal defect.
Expedition Sasquatch 2018 Ditto. I want to watch. I just can't stay awake. The squatch has to exist out here in -42 degrees without equipment. Sir, I just want you to put on some gloves. For. Reals. Sasquatch is spiritual. this is why he decorates his camp with Tibetan prayer flags. our host, not Bigfoot. geez. get with the program here. step away from the blankie! step away from the blankie!
Thursday, January 18, 2018
American Bigfoot, 2017

Bigfoot is right there when the movie starts. right there outside the house of the bored girl who is gonna make some microwave popcorn. no fucking around here!
I love the way Bigfoot looks! his hair is waaaaaay better than mine! couldn't find of pic of Big Daddy-O. this looks like the baby bigfoot.

a jackass shoots his kid. he impales said jackass on a tree. then he kidnaps a kid for his grieving partner. nothing to see here folks, just a bereaved Bigfoot wandering around, seeking vengeance. trying to film a documentary? he's after you. camping? ditto. a little forest hanky panky? jogging? you're goners. there were some survivors. there were some casualties.
male Bigfoot: Brandon Cole.
female Bigfoot: Zack Duncan.
baby Bigfoot: Peanut Edmonson.
(couldn't find bios on imd. sad face.)
but did find out it was also released with this name....

Saturday, January 13, 2018
Bigfoot vs. DB Cooper

film by Rapid Heart Pictures. the scenery looks a lot like the scenery from 1313: Bigfoot Island, which was shot in CA. this was shot in CA and B.C. Shirtless guys in the woods, although this batch likes to pose in their underwear in front of mirrors with their guns. the one dude appeared to be getting kinky in the shower all by his lonesome. The Bigfoot looks very similar to me, as well. But will I watch any Bigfoot movie? Damn straight, and the campier, the better. these dudes are going turkey hunting in shorts and no shirts? seriously? not even camo shorts.
"A bear may shit in these woods, but I don't." This kinda ruined my whole theory that Bigfoot gets pissed off about people going potty in the woods. He killed this dude In. The. House.
"What is it now? What the hell is going on around here?" Oh, dude. you wouldn't believe me if I told you.
the whole back story is DB Cooper. he has the bomb, he gets his demands, he parachutes out of the plain with the cash. his accomplice on the ground is right there. All is well.....wait a minute. What the hell is Bigfoot doing here?
"This isn't going to end like this! The most successful air piracy in American aviation history is not being foiled by some mythical creature!" you tell him, D.B.
"Not my money, you big hairy son of a bitch!" you keep on telling him, D.B.
Oh my God. You did it. You stole $200,000, jumped out of a plane, and killed one of the greatest urban legends. You're famous!" Bernie idolizes D.B. (he saved his life in 'Nam.)
But D.B. Cooper got marked. and now He. Is. Bigfoot.
AND Bigfoot was played by Nils Allen Stewart. He was also the stunt coordinator.
so, I get on imd to learn more about Mr. Stewart.

Nils Allen Stewart is known for his work on Space Cowboys (2000), Fist of the North Star (1995) and Planet of the Apes (2001). He is of Scottish, Russian, and Blackfoot Native American descent. Was a Professional Wrestler for IWF, run by Eddy Mansfield as the Stomper.
1313: Bigfoot Island

2012 movie. shirtless dude walking and walking and walking in forest. instead of a red hood he has a little red back pack. other friends walking and walking and walking. spoiler alert....Bigfoot. Gets. Them. All. a wronged maiden calls on the spirit of the forest to avenge her.
found on imd: goof. In the beginning who got to the island first jumped over a fallen tree and kept walking for a bit of time then phoned friends. After the phone call he started walking again and then jumped over the same log the same way.
Rapid Heart Pictures. shot on location in California.
note to self...a few days later, watched another movie by the Rapid Heart Pictures. looked like the same forest. possibly same Bigfoot costume. shirtless guys. I mean, thank you, but do you think only girls watch these movies?
imd tells me the Bigfoot in this movie was Al Pitman is known for his work on Hansel & Gretel: Warriors of Witchcraft (2013), Blood Sucker Punch (2010) and Immortal Kiss: Queen of the Night (2012).
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