Saturday, January 13, 2018

1313: Bigfoot Island

2012 movie. shirtless dude walking and walking and walking in forest. instead of a red hood he has a little red back pack. other friends walking and walking and walking. spoiler alert....Bigfoot. Gets. Them. All. a wronged maiden calls on the spirit of the forest to avenge her.
found on imd: goof. In the beginning who got to the island first jumped over a fallen tree and kept walking for a bit of time then phoned friends. After the phone call he started walking again and then jumped over the same log the same way.
Rapid Heart Pictures. shot on location in California.
note to self...a few days later, watched another movie by the Rapid Heart Pictures. looked like the same forest. possibly same Bigfoot costume. shirtless guys. I mean, thank you, but do you think only girls watch these movies?
imd tells me the Bigfoot in this movie was Al Pitman is known for his work on Hansel & Gretel: Warriors of Witchcraft (2013), Blood Sucker Punch (2010) and Immortal Kiss: Queen of the Night (2012).

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