Friday, January 26, 2018

Territorial Behavior 2018

amazon prime has added new Bigfoot movies. I stayed awake All. The. Way. Through. This. One. I'm a big girl now! Nature doesn't care. and this Bigfoot is more graceful than a grizzly. He stalks. He growls. He has those glowing red eyes. You think the weird poacher dudes are pissing all over your tent at night? (I think it's Bigfoot.) Longest night of my life. Hey, buddy, you've already passed that stick structure. If I caught that, you are definitely lost. Just admit it. but admit it before you're too tired to give a fuck.
"I'm out here, in this fucking place!" (exactly how I feel at work. Each. And. Every. Day.) "I can't do it. I just can't do it." (again. exactly how I feel at work. you know the rest....)
small cast. our hero, Bailey, who is making that documentary to drum up business for his wilderness survival school. and voices on the phone: Todd, the guy who's gonna edit all the footage. Amber, the girlfriend. The Sheriff from Search & Rescue Party. The two dudes shooting at him. oh, yeah, and Bigfoot. This was shot in Ireland. beautiful beautiful location. Peter Bergen wrote, directed, produced, did sound mix and lighting....good job, man. Bravo.

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