Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bigfoot is everywhere!

at work I have a book
tucked in my locker for those rare days I get done a bit before time to walk risers, I'll clock out and read in the boot shed. and am I reading a doozy. I was on an Alaska kick for awhile. this is a making a home in the wilderness book, but in California. and I always love it when my interests collide. so guess who is mentioned in this book? guess. go ahead. give up?
Tissy the Dog is growling. Marcy heard a deep masculine groan. Virg," she whispered. "That's Bigfoot." This was only a few years after the famous Willow Creek video and the tracks found at Bluff's Creek. Virg assures her they have a 30-30. "That book I read said someone shot a Bigfoot with a 30-30 and it didn't even phase it." the next morning they had to hike to their Jeep. No one wanted to meet Bigfoot on the trail so they hustled!
and Joel Horn has a blog! and a facebook page....

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