Friday, January 26, 2018

what I've been sleeping in front of (ah. um. watching) on amazon prime....

Almost Live Season 1. I have watched something else he had on amazon prime Bigfoot related. I like how he's just a real guy out looking for Bigfoot. this is 'almost live' since his phone won't get signal on the mountain to go live, so he records with a camera, puts his logo and credits on, and posts it. thus, almost live. clever, eh? Thomas Marcum is looking for Bigfoot and ginseng. I tend to dose off, but I liked what I stayed awake for...he has quite the soothing voice.
so, then I tried to watch Survivorman Bigfoot Season 6. learned a few things.....always pee in the same spot. (mark your territory). There's not just one creature walking around the world photo bombing people. and Sabe is a Bigfoot name meaning Honesty. have the same problem with this show. my loveseat and jammies and blankie are too damn comfy. I tend to go night night watching fault of the stars of these own personal defect.
Expedition Sasquatch 2018 Ditto. I want to watch. I just can't stay awake. The squatch has to exist out here in -42 degrees without equipment. Sir, I just want you to put on some gloves. For. Reals. Sasquatch is spiritual. this is why he decorates his camp with Tibetan prayer flags. our host, not Bigfoot. geez. get with the program here. step away from the blankie! step away from the blankie!

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