Wednesday, September 27, 2017

I've Seen Bigfoot

ok, first off, I wanna know how are you NOT sure of the date you saw Bigfoot???? Seriously. I would blog the hell out of that shit. put the anniversary of it on my phone calendar. I think that date would stick with you. put it in my xmas newsletter. tell it to everyone I ever knew or would meet. everyone.
"The best way for me to describe what I saw was the westbound end of an eastbound Sasquatch."
(I say SASquatch. some say SOSquatch.)
"At that point I had a chill go down my spine."
damn Bigfoot stole his stringer of fish. He'd had that stringer since he was a kid, Bigfoot. and then you chased him back to his vehicle. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Dr, Ivan Sanderson has written a book. Tom Slick Expedition in the 50s.
Mountain Devil: The Search for Frank Peterson.
squatch detective radio
"It's there. It really is."
BIGFOOT FEVER: seeing Bigfoots every time you turn around.
parking in the middle of nowhere in PA is apparently a good way to get the attention of a Bigfoot...

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