Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wildman: My Search for Sasquatch

trying to find a cell service. truck overheating. weirdly placed branch. (note to self: always take many many many gas cans when Bigfooting in the middle of nowhere....)
keep keys in ignition
prepare truck for quick getaway
trail cameras (put them high up so you don't get Bigfoot's knees)
be careful
keep an eye out
look for hand prints on windows
can't cast in moss
tree knocks
rock clacks
watch for weird things
"What does a guy have to do to have an experience with a Sasquatch? I don't know. What am I doing wrong? Cause I'm just out here and I'm looking for it..."
(doing tree knocks) "I'm probably scaring the shit out of all those loggers. They probably think it's a Sasquatch, but it's just me."

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