Sunday, October 29, 2017
Animal X Texas Bigfoot
Surely they can't all be wrong?

Bill Kerr's facial expressions, though...

I learned on this google search that he passed away in 2014 at age 92.
and here is Chester Moore, the wildlife journalist.

I've seen him on some other Bigfoot stuff. here he tells us the best evidence is the tracks. he says you'd be surprised how many people think there is A Bigfoot. 1 Bigfoot. it's a species...and the different sized tracks he's found show that. hmmmmm. I believe you, Chester, you are a very earnest straightforward young man. and I especially loved how you hiked a bit to get a signal to call your wife (calling your wife while Bigfooting is very endearing, I think) Hold on, there's a Bigfoot yellin'..
Southern Bigfoots are more aggressive, longer hair (protects against insects), thinner.
Chester has a Bigfoot Crate! with all his investigative gear! I think Tracy and I should assemble a Ghost Hunting Crate. immediately!
Chester is taking them to a secret investigation spot on the Texas/Louisiana border!
limb twists....why do they do it?
Bigfoot is curious enough to come see what we're doing. An armadillo won't do that.
Oh, Natalie, dear. You should not expect too much from that camera trap footage.
and now Chester gets to play Bobo and recreate the creature sighting. I would love to find Bigfoot, too, Natalie. But I'm not an expert, I don't have a camera crew or a tv show, or a famous Bigfoot guy to show me around...and no equipment. I don't own camera trap one.
It seems like it's stalking us.
Is this the face of Bigfoot?
one camera trap is pulled down. one is just gone. and the pheremones are gone too. Maybe someone doesn't want us to find Bigfoot.....
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Night of the Demon (1983)
a blurb I read said filmed in 1980 released late 1982...we have fluffy hair and high waisted jeans. puffy coats. and college kids and a professor out looking for a murderous Bigfoot....and I don't remember seeing boobs in 80s movies...this is softcore porn, folks. (guess I'm becoming a bit of a prude in my 50s...) Bigfoot is evidently not a fan of couples doing the nasty in vans in his woods. ironically, the woman here is Debbie. and she watches Bigfoot snatch her man right off her and take him outside, then he slow motion slides down the window lubricated with his own blood moaning 'help me help me' while Debbie holds the blanket to her naked body and just moans, looking like a cow in a slaughter house.
but I digress. the opening scene is a brutal murder where Bigfoot rips the fisherman's arm off, he bleeds out and the blood runs into the Bigfoot track and fills it. then there is a couple power walking across a college campus through the opening credits.
Gesh. maybe if I had went to college, I could've went on one of these extra-point expeditions and been brutally murdered. at that point extra credit wouldn't even matter anymore, eh? (or if I had been an actress.....)
now you're camped in the crusty old dude's yard and he keeps blowing off your interview.
evidently Bigfoot doesn't like people in sleeping bags, either. that dude got launched and impaled on a tree branch.
which may've been better than our friend Mr. Motorcycle Dude, who made the bad decision of pulling off the road to smoke AND piss in the woods. (Bigfoot doesn't seem to like either of these activities, doesn't matter who the director is, it's pretty much universal that you will die violently in these situations.) I sure don't remember ever seeing a dick in an 80s movie before either (except for porn....that's on a need to know basis.) but here they close up on it, then Bigfoot grabs it, drags him into the woods, and dude staggers out bleeding like a stuck pig and minus his dick. makes it hard to ride a motorcycle. so he just bleeds all over it and dies.
now we're making a plaster footprint cast. good idea. (letting Crazy Wanda smash it, bad idea. it never would' ve made it back, anyway...)

You'll see enough nature on the side of the road.
none of the towns people want to help them find their next interview subject, Crazy Wanda. oh, they'll tell you her daddy went nuts and burnt himself alive. that she had an deformed mongoloid illegitimate baby that died at birth...they're religious fanatics...cannibals..and Crazy Wanda doesn't even talk, anyway. no one can find her cabin.
so they stumble into some weird ass ritualistic breeding with the Demon ceremony with a Bigfoot effigy...
guys...guys...guys.... a little hanky panky in the woods may seem all sweet and romantic...but Bigfoot doesn't care for this sort of behavior. you're just gonna get a nasty scratch this time...but (newsflash) neither of you is going to survive... I mean, are you paying attention to the awful gory campfire stories your Professor is dishing out about all the creative ways Bigfoot kills people? ripping off body parts? making Girl Scouts stab each other with their knives? chopping the Woodsman up with his own axe? Bigfoot is kinda a dick. and special effects have come a long way since the early 80s!
Now, Bigfoot's not playing games anymore. Someone has to start standing guard.
Reading the tombstones by the cabin? no. no. no. Bigfoot is watching you.
yeah, something did happen to Pete. his head sounded like a punkin when Bigfoot smashed it into the tree.
so the gang breaks the padlock on Crazy Wanda's room. rude.
are you a licensed hypnotist? cause Crazy Wanda is already crazy. she has problems of her own. making her go back to age 15 when her father was a batshit crazy minister and beat her on the front porch for hanging out with a boy. threw her out of the house in a rain storm, then stood on the front porch watching her get raped by Bigfoot in her own front yard while you're begging the Lord for whatever. then you had Bigfoot's baby, although dad tried to get you to drink all matter of stuff to make the baby die. you had this baby alone. your dad was over there in the corner talking to The Lord, but nothing nice about you. or your baby. then he kills your poor deformed baby. and you lock him in the barn and burn him alive. then sit in your chair and rock.
the Professor tells us here that some species can interbreed. and they're exhuming the graves to see if it was a Bigfoot baby. was he trying to save his species? And Bigfoot shows up. what would you do if someone was bothering your girlfriend and digging up your dead baby? I think he was justified here. I mean, it's a Bigfoot movie. not many make it out alive.
Bigfoot brings Wanda gifts. leaves them on the porch.
and Bigfoot is coming in the cabin, bars on the windows be damned. throwing dishes at him won't help either, ladies.
I have to get some pictures of that thing! oh, wow. awesome idea. he's just gonna knock the camera out of your hand and expose your film. and you're dying, anyway.
holy gratuitous violence, Bigfoot. throttled. a saw, then pulling his guts out and tossing them around the room. a rake in the back. throwing him through the window and slitting his throat on the broken glass. burning the Professor's face on the stove. His wife did tell him not to go. but did he listen? and now he's in the pysch ward and has been diagnosed criminally insane...
I love learning new things. and the last few minutes of the Bigfoot show I just watched...wow. I have been googling up a storm! (I often think of books, documentaries, and google as 'my college.' don't have to take out a loan, I get excited about learning stuff, and maybe someday it will come in handy! just 'cause I'm a barn gal doesn't mean I am done learning about the world around us...)
Hypertrichosis (also called Ambras syndrome) is an abnormal amount of hair growth over the body.[1][2] The two distinct types of hypertrichosis are generalized hypertrichosis, which occurs over the entire body, and localized hypertrichosis, which is restricted to a certain area.[1] Hypertrichosis can be either congenital (present at birth) or acquired later in life.[3][4] The excess growth of hair occurs in areas of the skin with the exception of androgen-dependent hair of the pubic area, face, and axillary regions.[5] Several circus sideshow performers in the 19th and early 20th centuries, such as Julia Pastrana, had hypertrichosis. (and it's not just all that extra hair. there was also a problem with the teeth, that gave them an 'apelike' appearance.[6]Many of them worked as freaks and were promoted as having distinct human and animal traits.
movies about Julia: The Ape Woman (1964). in 2013 Velvet was 'in development.' The Ass Ponys song Julia Pastrana was on their 1993 Grim album.
Alice E. Doherty The Minnesota Woolly Girl
Alice Elizabeth Doherty was born in Minneapolis and is the only known person with hypertrichosis lanuginosa born in the United States. Doherty was born with approximately two-inch long blonde hair all over her body. wikipedia.org Born: March 14, 1887, Minnesota Died: June 13, 1933, Dallas Nationality: American

Annie Jones, The Bearded Lady. she was beautiful! she appears confident in these pics. how hard was it for these women? did they enjoy the fame? how much $$$ did they make? and were the audiences nice to them?

Her nicknames may include 'wolf girl' and 'monkey face'. But 11-year-old Thai girl Supatra Sasuphan today insisted that she was after being officially recognised as the world's hairiest girl. Although the schoolgirl from Bangkok has faced merciless teasing at school, Supatra says being given a Guinness World Record for her hair has helped her become extremely popular.

and last but not least, a book.

This book tells the extraordinary story of three sixteenth-century sisters who, along with their father and brothers, were afflicted with an extremely rare genetic condition that made them unusually hairy. Amazingly, the Gonzales sisters were not mocked or shunned, but were welcomed in the courts of Europe, spending much of their lives among nobles, musicians, and artists. Their double identity as humans and beasts made them intriguing, and the girls and their father were the subjects not only of medical investigations but also of a considerable number of portraits, some of which still hang in European castles today. Using the Gonzales family as a lens, historian Merry Wiesner-Hanks examines their varied and wondrous times. The story of this family connects with every important change of their era—political and religious violence, colonial conquest, new forms of scholarship and science—and also provides insights into the complex relationships between beastliness, monstrosity, and gender in early modern life.
Bigfoot in Europe (2015)

I'll just start off by saying, I had 5 glorious days off not doing much of anything, and today was my first day back to work. not a bad day, but I'm pretty much a sloth. and that couch calls my butt like no other. This documentary/film is kind of dreamy, it advances a lot of theories, and everyone has a very calm, soothing voice. I know I dozed off for a good chunk in the middle there. I'll admit it.
sighted in Sherwood Forest.
the Woodwose
Bigfoot has been spotted for over 400 years on every continent. footprints reported and collected for over 80 years. video, photo, and visual evidence, but no carcass. (yet). folklore traced back thousands of years.
The Bigfoot as an alien theory started in California in 1888 (this WAS interesting!). an Indian led a rancher to a cave to see a "crazy bear who fell off a small moon that fell from the sky." The crazy bear was sitting cross-legged and had long, dark hair. (then they painstakingly explain that the small moon was an alien craft. like just because I believe in the possibility of Bigfoot, I'm a moron.)
Bigfoot talked to the gods (aliens) and had super powers.
every mythical woodland creature/legend: werewolf, troll, Green Man, Robin Hood, etc. can be traced to our ancestors memories of Bigfoot. (?)
one thing this production is not lacking on is theories. has Bigfoot been driven underground by big bad man who keeps cutting down the forests? (if this is the case, Mr. & Mrs. Bigfoot, may I suggest moving to Crowder State Park outside Trenton, MO? beautiful forests. lots of trees to bang on and rocks to clang together. we saw 5 deer. there are mushrooms and acorns and walnuts and birds. lots of trees already down you can use for shelter, or hey, feel free to knock some more down and you do you.)
now, THIS THEORY, though.....food for thought. Hypertrichosis aka Ambras Syndrome aka Werewolf Snydrome, causes abnormal hair growth. recorded for hundreds of years. many were in freak shows or cast out into the dark woods. First recorded case Petrus Gonzales 1648.

ok, I googled. and found so many things. links to 3 ladies with this condition. and then all these pics....

1826 The Hairy Man of Burma
hundreds of reported cases. several forms, all are rare. families of them. affects old and young. present at birth OR acquired.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Alabama, home of Elijah Mae's Booger
googled this. the only reference I could find was on a blog reviewing Beyond Boggy Creek, and that was just the listing of Alabama Bigfoot names. hmmmmm.
Beyond Boggy Creek by Lyle Blackburn
if only I had no job to tie me down and unlimited resources to ghost hunt and creature hunt as much as I wanted....
but in the meantime, I read this book. I like how he tells you what the witness account is, what he found visiting the area, and throws in some other variables, as well. as in, maybe it was Bigfoot, maybe it wasn't. he stays open minded.

the answer always lingers just a few seconds ahead...
another peeing in the woods account....and another....(I'm telling you, people....does the scent attract them? disgust? anger? the gross factor?)
Lost Gap east of Meridian Mississippi seized by monster mania 1962.
The Mississippi Howl: distinct audio elements of falsetto shriek-yahoo vocal- whoops
Ohio Howl
cows can come close to Bigfoot howls.
Florida: Trail Lake Campground, Ochopee. Skunk Ape Headquarters: book a guided tour, see evidence. Tate's Hell Forest, St. George Island
bigfoot is truly 'green'.
Alabama: Elijah Mae's Booger.
Florida: Pigman.
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