Saturday, October 21, 2017

Snow Beast (2011)

gotta love a Bigfoot movie with one of the infamous Duke boys....yeah, he's a bit older, but still adorbs.
John Schneider. he's gotta be in MY bigfoot movie, too. I just decided. couldn't make it without him.
we have the ranger marking a map with pins. the lynx research team. a pouty teenage daughter forced to go along. a ski resort. plenty of fast food for our Snow Beast....
yes, young snowboarder dude. You ARE being watched. and I don't think you can outrun him...
It happens? That's your philosophy?
(shrugs)When you've been around as long as I have, you'll get what I mean.
omg. don't pee. don't whistle. (here we go.)
What you might hear is the blood rushing through your own head. Something the fear triggers when you see a predator.
taking out the trash (growling in the distance.)
Big. Ass. Footprints.
It was like a snarl.
I'm gonna go grab some firewood. (growl)
oh boy. he's spying on you. The Snow Beast is spying on you. YOU.
(growling and destruction noises from outside the cabin.)
It tore up our snowmobile?
Look at the spacing of the tracks.
It's not walking on four legs.
Why'd you stop?
I thought I saw something out there.. (famous last words, my friend.)
There's nothing out there.
I'm just going to check. (of course you are. do you not watch these movies? you're a dumbass.)
(flash of white fur)
oh man, you are screwed. don't say I didn't warn ya...
(screams.) And now you know, Mr. Ranger. And now you know.
Gibbons! don't get out of the truck! you know better, you sage old timer! Don't walk through those woods. Assume Barry is dead and and save yourself. Well, you found Barry. And the Snow Beast found you.
Rob fell in the snow cave. Miss Emmy wasn't watching the monitors and missed the Snow Beast. There she goes. She just spotted him.
body in storage in snow cave. piles of bones. blood.
(Roar. Roar.) The chase is on. How fast does that snowmobile go?
It's hard to get a better look when you're running for your life.
Or it could be a Yeti.
I'm sorry. What?
so how'd this Yeti get here? Hop on a plane, eat some peanuts, watch a movie?
It's mythical.
Do you know what triggers fear? Basic survival instinct.
and here goes Marci off alone to find this beast. (there's gotta be one in every Bigfoot movie...) she's armed with a truck, a camera, and a tranq gun. and of course she leaves the tranq gun in the truck and treks through the woods with a camera. (growl.) oh girlfriend. nice knowing ya. he chases her, she does make it back to the truck, but you gotta quit dropping those keys in the floorboard, Marci. and you probably should've had the gun loaded, 'cause now he has time to smash the window and drag you out, strangle you, and throw you on the hood of the truck....
Marci might be in trouble. Stay at the cabin.
Where is she? you know where she is. In that Snow Beasts walk in freezer of a cave. Emmy saw him dragging her through the snow on the monitor.
He's ate everything else. We're all that's left.
not only did Marci get herself killed, now the truck won't start. And Snow Beast is chasing Daddy on the last snowmobile while he is going for help. He gets knocked off by a branch, the snowmobile crashes and explodes, and he valiantly tries to play darts with Snow Beast. but to no avail. Daddy won't answer your radio call, Emmy. Snow Beast backhanded him and he's headed to the freezer.
watcha wanna bet Emmy will sneak off in the night trying to find her dad? (I lost that bet.)
Snow Beast is gonna come right in the cabin and get you. Yeti's can climb stair cases. now we know. I don't think holding a dresser against the door will stop him. Apparently, he gave up. Or is just hanging downstairs on the couch watching Netflix biding his time.
good luck getting your deposit back. Snow Beast tore this place up.
setting a trap. clever.
do you have enough tranq darts to take him down? you found Jim in the snow cave and Mr. Snow Beast is right there behind you. should've went with bigger darts.
there's another guy in the freezer. Guys, I think all this chasing you is making the Snow Beast even hungrier. not a good idea, from your standpoint.
It's kinda adorable how the Snow Beast cocks his head side to side watching you. such an ugly mug.
started an avalanche with a flare gun and saved your daughter? Good job.
a lotta people died. but it's over, right? well, a huge white furry hand just came out of the snow and grabbed a dude...

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