Monday, October 9, 2017

Night Fright

Bigfoot still doesn't like people parking....or Sheriff's. this is a 1967 movie....wristwatches. payphones. landlines. lemon yellow dresses. the clothes...the dialogue....
"I hate to think how her folks are going to take it." (something chewed her face off.)
local newspaper reporter arrives on the scene and Sheriff puts him to work looking for evidence with him and his deputy. apparently standard practice in the 60s...
looks like bull gator tracks but much bigger. clump of hair on tree branch, Sheriff collects it with his bare hands and puts it in his pocket. (obviously pre-NCIS). he later gives this evidence to the reporter to drop off at the State Lab. He also has reporter and a local college boy collecting items to make a bomb to get rid of monster. that is, when he isn't manhandling mouthy college kids...
"I have a responsibility to my subscribers."
Deputy gets patrol car stuck and the monster gets him. (Sheriff just got his arm in a sling and got to make out with his honey after they killed the monster.)
hey, kids, your swanky music dance party at the lake is attracting Bigfoot...
Rex & Darlene shoulda left with the others, but no, they had to make out in a convertible...she survives. he doesn't. and even though he's a bully, you kinda feel bad for him. gets his ass kicked by the Good Guy, then killed by The Monster.
found my mother-in-laws Doppleganger...not just in appearance, but voice AND mannerisms....

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