Sunday, October 29, 2017

Animal X Texas Bigfoot

Surely they can't all be wrong?
Bill Kerr's facial expressions, though...
I learned on this google search that he passed away in 2014 at age 92.
and here is Chester Moore, the wildlife journalist.
I've seen him on some other Bigfoot stuff. here he tells us the best evidence is the tracks. he says you'd be surprised how many people think there is A Bigfoot. 1 Bigfoot. it's a species...and the different sized tracks he's found show that. hmmmmm. I believe you, Chester, you are a very earnest straightforward young man. and I especially loved how you hiked a bit to get a signal to call your wife (calling your wife while Bigfooting is very endearing, I think) Hold on, there's a Bigfoot yellin'..
Southern Bigfoots are more aggressive, longer hair (protects against insects), thinner.
Chester has a Bigfoot Crate! with all his investigative gear! I think Tracy and I should assemble a Ghost Hunting Crate. immediately!
Chester is taking them to a secret investigation spot on the Texas/Louisiana border!
limb twists....why do they do it?
Bigfoot is curious enough to come see what we're doing. An armadillo won't do that.
Oh, Natalie, dear. You should not expect too much from that camera trap footage.
and now Chester gets to play Bobo and recreate the creature sighting. I would love to find Bigfoot, too, Natalie. But I'm not an expert, I don't have a camera crew or a tv show, or a famous Bigfoot guy to show me around...and no equipment. I don't own camera trap one.
It seems like it's stalking us.
Is this the face of Bigfoot?
one camera trap is pulled down. one is just gone. and the pheremones are gone too. Maybe someone doesn't want us to find Bigfoot.....

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