Saturday, October 7, 2017

American Beast

omg. took me awhile to piece this together. (go figure.) this was in the Bigfoot category, but when you finally see the Beast, he looks like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. Groots evil twin brother. the backstory....a bad Indian dude is turned on by the people, they kill him and wrap him in animal skins and bury him. A medicine man curses him. the girlfriend that no one knew about from another tribe sacrifices her soul to bring him back to life. he is buried on the property. He protects the property. (as in viciously murders everyone who enters said property. very very few escape.) she appears to everyone to warn them away from said property. this property is eventually fenced and the gate padlocked with a no trespassing sign from the owners. people sneak in. a young couple who wants to camp. the daughter of property owner with friends to party. a documentary crew.
pee in the woods, Bigfoot kills you. pretty standard. maybe 'cause you're treating his home like a giant toilet? want him to come piss on your porch?
there are some pretty good mother quotes here: "You know, she's still your mom, even if you guys aren't close". "No matter what she was going through, she was still trying to be a good mother."
traipsing around in the woods in the snow wearing business suits-taking artifacts-talking all sassy to that spooky Indian woman who just keeps appearing out of nowhere with her urgent warnings of doom-
"It's time to leave. This place is cursed." yep, it is time to leave. don't pack shit. don't grab shit. don't look behind you. just. get. out.
Oh man....don't leave that tent to pee outside. It'll be the last thing you'll ever do. Don't do it, Thomas. And Molly...for the love of God, don't wander the woods in your nightie trying to figure out where Thomas went to. you'll find him. and you'll meet the same fate. 2 more body bags, please...
But I guess a secret can't keep forever, can it?
how did you keep the beast locked on this property with a pipe gate, padlock, and fence? because he's attached to the property, dumbass. and the gate and that padlock and no trespassing sign just beg adventurous souls to see what you're trying to hide.
Guy makes it to his truck. Attacked. quite probably dying. doesn't even start the truck. starts recording on his tape player. final words. sees spooky Indian chick. Shoulda started driving, dude. Your Bigfoot friend is back. (one review called it a Tree.)
Take Tommy. Go in the woods. Have your way with him. (but do it fast or you're gonna die a virgin. worst advice from a friend ever. ) yeah, you're probably dying either way. Tommy got the best of the deal. you died sucking dick. sad sad sad. he only outlived you by a minute or two.
(seeing the connection between Bigfoot and Jason Voorhees...teenage the woods...a parked car...summer camp....never a good idea. nope. nope. nope.)
after killing our teenage lovers, the Beast just strolls into camp. takes out the mellow guy smoking weed. then Tiff has to go pee. (here we go again.) she finds dying disemboweled friend. she hears dying sounds of boyfriend she just literally crawled out of the sleeping bag with . she somehow makes it to the road and gets a ride to town. she meets Spooky Indian Chick in hospital.
You had to be of the land to destroy the monster. our hero James was conceived there. in a tent. Old Jacob comes to the rescue. he dies. but he has the right idea...kill Spooky Indian Chick, kill the Beast. seemed to work there for a second. but sadly, no. James decides HE has to be the one. and it seemed to work. All is well. but then we see that final video mom left for him that he didn't get around to watching.....
she tells him he is the only one who can kill the Beast, who has been walking this land for 400 years and will be released on the 400th anniversary of his death. But James has to take his place.....guessing a sequel is in the making. very thought provoking. morality. horrific death. bad life choices. curiosity really does kill the cat...

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