Thursday, October 12, 2017

Yeti The Giant of the 20th Century

foreign film credits. dialogue in English.
you overnourished overweight daddy warbucks...
(I don't know, Herbie. Do you really think getting closer to a defrosting Yeti is a good idea?)
(too bad they didn't have social media in 1977. can you imagine the hits you'd get on youtube? the likes on Facebook and Instagram? followers on twitter?)
"Don't get excited. Take a tranquilizer and go to bed."
Poor Yeti. He's been sleeping peacefully for millions of years and then we drag him along into our dirty world....
this Yeti has a human face...he's kinda cute.
Jane is so happy that the Yeti is alive that she jumps all over Cliff in the copter. Cliff doesn't seem to mind.
...and now the Yeti sees that he's flying in a glass box dangling from a helicopter at 10,000 feet. he is unhappy. he growls and thrashes around. is he gonna wreck the chopper?
He is but a wild beast. I left the car running. you never know. (you are thinking, sir. you just never know. things usually go to hell in a heartbeat in these movies...)
He's only a monster.
(he is kinda mangy looking.)
Oh no! He's breaking out of that glass cage! Who woulda thunk it?
We gotta kill it before it kills us.
There he is! We're doomed!
Yeti uproots a tree and tosses it like it ain't no thing. he seems especially interested in the highly annoying barking dog.
Yeti is totally checking out Jane. Now he's picked up her and her little brother Herbie and is giving them a ride on his hand, just walking away. Yeti has those silent movie crazy eyes. who knew Yeti's knew about eyeliner?
Oh, Jane. Really. do you think your damn dog has any idea what you are talking about? "Go get the professor, Angelo. Bring him back here" . Angelo is like whatever, Jane. whatever.
Yeti is communicating with Herbie & Jane with hand signals. He brought them fish to eat. eat it raw, just like the Yeti does. yum yum. making more goo goo eyes at Jane. combs her hair with his fish skeleton. she's kinda making goo goo eyes at him now, too.
Hey! maybe Angelo did understand. But the professor doesn't speak dog. he's having a hard time putting 2 and 2 together. his scientific mind just can't grasp the situation. exactly did they get him back in that glass box to fly around on tour and be exhibited????
Toronto is throwing a big party to welcome Yeti. of course, Herbie & Jane are there.
Yeti doesn't like flash photography. here he is. all growling and ripping down walls and playing puppet master with the elevator.
The Yeti's gone beserk!
people clamoring. Yeti growling and smashing shit. Maybe this tour was a bad idea...
and then his eyes meet Jane's. she's in trouble. can he save her? YES! true love triumphs after all!
No, Monster, no!
The police? Seriously? how much experience do they have dealing with prehistoric thawed out Yeti's?
Yeti won't mess with the children. apparently he was a dad in his past...
As mangy as this Yeti is, somehow his junk is still covered with hair. PG13, I guess....
good old payphones. You can always run to one in an emergency.
Poor thing. He's so big and yet he seems so helpless. had to put Yeti on oxygen.
Jane, I can't help but noticing those wedges don't seem to be made for running...
and speaking of running, sounds like all the men in this production have on tap shoes when they run...
Yeti starts to smoosh a guy with his foot, then changes tactics and chokes him between two of his hairy toes...
Yeti is window peeping again. has to save his humans. they just can't seem to stay out of danger, his humans...
Yeti is so misunderstood. don't you people remember how excited you were to have him touring Toronto? now here ya'll are, running amok and screaming something godawful and giving the poor beast a headache. he's just trying to sight see and ya'll are running right where he's trying to walk. show some hospitality.
Attention all car. Shoot the Yeti Monster on sight.
A bag of cement, an oil drum and Lake Ontario will fix that.
Jane's been shook and backhanded and manhandled and chocked...but Yeti is going to save her (again)
This world is not for you, go away to the mountains and the wilderness. Good bye.
and so, a beauty and her beast must part.

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