Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Bigfoot Horror Camp (2017)

this one was a doozy. Bigfoot is hanging round a nudist colony, kidnapping girls, tying them up in a little surf shack deal and making them dance for him. then he turns back into a man? AND there are nudists getting it on....girls with girls. girls with guys. the meadow is the place for this, they keep running off from the guy in the bbbbaaaaaaddddd monkey suit, leaving their phones and blankets behind. the Bigfoot expert shows up with his wife, and she strips right down to her tramp stamp and joins in the fun. (he does get rid of his shirt, but keeps his shorts on. classy guy.)
AND there's this flat screen tv on the paneled wall they keep close-upping on. It has bits and pieces of independent Bigfoot movies and documentaries I have just recently watched on amazon.prime. (???) when the whole nudist colony runs to the surf shack and finds the tied up dancing girls who by this time are just having fun....it is revealed that "Bigfoot" is the missing millionaire or billionaire or whatever....it was only 50 some minutes. it was trippy. it was free. it was confusing. and, all in all, it was kinda fun.

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