Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Bigfoot Election (2011)

my kinda Bigfoot movie! we have a hoax. memorable small town characters. a love story. a bad guy. a hapless good guy. lots of drinking. a guy living in a camper. a sage old retired postman dispensing wisdom.
I make it a point to enjoy every day but I gotta admit some days it's a lot easier than others.
...and here the fired deputy is drunk driving in his bathrobe...
I don't think Bigfoot's a Coors Light drinker.
I got a hush hush deal with the editor of Highlights Magazine.
I know it's hard to soar like an eagle when you're running with a herd of ducks.
I put that suit on, it's like I turned into a wild animal. I don't care about social norms or making love to the Joneses.
Sometimes in this life you gotta eat a little shit to survive.
Nobody buys American anymore.
When was the last time the truth got anyone elected?
well, of course our Bigfoot expert (slash love interest) finds out it's all a hoax. she leaves town in a huff. but then she thinks about that bit of wisdom about chickens laying eggs with the same hole they shit from. and she turns around and goes back.
The sheriff is arrested. the sage old dude wins Sheriff. the two pranksters keep the Bigfoot thing going for tourism. the Bigfoot Expert sends customers to their Bigfoot Pest Control business.
this was filmed in Angel Fire, New Mexico.
I loved the soundtrack! will look on amazon to see if I can find cds..... American Aquarium.
She started cussin' like a backrow Baptist...

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