Thursday, October 26, 2017

Bigfoot in Europe (2015)

I'll just start off by saying, I had 5 glorious days off not doing much of anything, and today was my first day back to work. not a bad day, but I'm pretty much a sloth. and that couch calls my butt like no other. This documentary/film is kind of dreamy, it advances a lot of theories, and everyone has a very calm, soothing voice. I know I dozed off for a good chunk in the middle there. I'll admit it.
sighted in Sherwood Forest.
the Woodwose
Bigfoot has been spotted for over 400 years on every continent. footprints reported and collected for over 80 years. video, photo, and visual evidence, but no carcass. (yet). folklore traced back thousands of years.
The Bigfoot as an alien theory started in California in 1888 (this WAS interesting!). an Indian led a rancher to a cave to see a "crazy bear who fell off a small moon that fell from the sky." The crazy bear was sitting cross-legged and had long, dark hair. (then they painstakingly explain that the small moon was an alien craft. like just because I believe in the possibility of Bigfoot, I'm a moron.)
Bigfoot talked to the gods (aliens) and had super powers.
every mythical woodland creature/legend: werewolf, troll, Green Man, Robin Hood, etc. can be traced to our ancestors memories of Bigfoot. (?)
one thing this production is not lacking on is theories. has Bigfoot been driven underground by big bad man who keeps cutting down the forests? (if this is the case, Mr. & Mrs. Bigfoot, may I suggest moving to Crowder State Park outside Trenton, MO? beautiful forests. lots of trees to bang on and rocks to clang together. we saw 5 deer. there are mushrooms and acorns and walnuts and birds. lots of trees already down you can use for shelter, or hey, feel free to knock some more down and you do you.)
now, THIS THEORY, for thought. Hypertrichosis aka Ambras Syndrome aka Werewolf Snydrome, causes abnormal hair growth. recorded for hundreds of years. many were in freak shows or cast out into the dark woods. First recorded case Petrus Gonzales 1648.
ok, I googled. and found so many things. links to 3 ladies with this condition. and then all these pics....
1826 The Hairy Man of Burma
hundreds of reported cases. several forms, all are rare. families of them. affects old and young. present at birth OR acquired.

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