Sunday, October 8, 2017

Hunting Grounds

I can't even imagine if we took Katie out to this cabin....
"Roger, just because you haven't seen something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Sergio...taking a piss in the woods. don't think that gun is going to do you much good. (but somehow, Sergio hangs in there until almost the very brutal end...)
"There's no such thing as Bigfoot."
"Even if Bigfoot does exist, he's not gonna attack people, alright? He's friendly like E.T." go with your gut, Sergio. you know what's what here...
"All we gotta do is hang the food up in a tree and nothing has any reason to bother us." Roger, Roger, Roger. you'll live to eat those words.
"There's more than one. Shit! shit, indeed. ya'll are starting to grasp the situation.
kidnapped by Bigfoot. three Bigfoot in the cave.
escapes by giving Bigfoot chew and smashing his head in with a rock when he chokes and gags on chew. almost feel sorry for Bigfoot here.
"We have to be smart about this, Michael, or we may not last through the night. guess getting kidnapped by Bigfoot changed your tune a bit, eh, Roger?
throwing rocks...breaking glass out of windows...pushing on walls...walking on roof...pushing open doors...
you gotta give it to Bigfoot. Roger chopped off his arm from elbow down with a hatchet. and he was still coming after him!
our gentle young man Michael reasoned with Sasquatch and escaped. 2 out of 5 ain't bad for a Bigfoot horror movie...
...and then Bigfoot drags off his dead...

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