Saturday, October 7, 2017

Mountain Devil

this was an amazing find. the story of a man who killed and buried a Bigfoot......and the host had fabulous fabulous hair! at one point he takes off his hat and just kind of tosses his head....magnificent.
What you believe in, you get to decide.
Is it something? Who knows.
You can use dollar bills for measurements and known references in pictures of Bigfoot prints.
you need latex gloves, tweezers, and envelopes for evidence collection. (I would think ziploc baggies, but I'm a Josh Gates fan...)
bone piles.
piles of scat.
scavengers eat carcasses
very perplexing. (mumbles.)
(eeeie orchestral music)
grunting. bluff charges. rock throwing.
want to attract a Bigfoot? pee in the woods. stand by your truck and smoke a cigarette. Bigfoot will be right there.
If I don't believe in Bigfoot, I believe in the possibility. (this is a good life quote, I think.)
When you're in the woods investigating and hear tree knocks and howls...wouldn't you think it was someone else in the woods looking for Bigfoot and getting all excited about YOUR knocks and howls?
witness won't state his name on camera, but looks right into camera and gives his eyewitness account...
Scared the shit out of us.
And there it was, it came charging right at me. Right down on me. I ran like hell to the cabin. That think kept banging on the door like he wanted in real bad.
(distant eerie howling)
We're in here, we're good, ok? We'll leave first thing in the morning. (omg. famous line from EVERY horror movie and terrifying ghost haunting true story show ever...)
and then the Bigfoot is banging on the door and looking in the windows and throwing rocks at the cabin...
Frank: I'm just going to go take a look around outside.
Randy: I think that's a bad idea. (I'm with you, Randy.) (and just how strong is that door, Frank?)
Well me and Randy took some shots at it. We killed it. We went up and looked at it. It wasn't a man. The right thing to do was to bury it. It wasn't right to just leave it there. It wasn't meant to be seen by common folks. So we buried it. I quit hunting that day. Never went back to the cabin again.
Interviewer: You tell us where it's at?
Frank sighs. Well, I'd rather not. I'd rather leave it alone. Leave it to be. Me and Randy talked it over. Not for common people to see. (I'm getting a bit insulted now.)
his granddaughter tells us the cabin is gone, area was strip mined. Rumor was the Army came in to survey, supposedly they found the burial site and took the creature and nothing has been heard of it again.
Granddaughter: we tried finding shell casings with metal detector....(clever girl!)
Frank Peterson's journals and photographs and the original 8mm film are the proof.
in the film there is a large, dark furry body lying on ground, you can see a side view of the face. omg. has Finding Bigfoot or Destination Truth heard wind of this? I bet Josh, Gabe, Jael and crew could get to the bottom of this! and can you imagine Ranea interviewing the granddaughter? It'd be brutal.

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