Thursday, October 26, 2017

Night of the Demon (1983)

a blurb I read said filmed in 1980 released late 1982...we have fluffy hair and high waisted jeans. puffy coats. and college kids and a professor out looking for a murderous Bigfoot....and I don't remember seeing boobs in 80s movies...this is softcore porn, folks. (guess I'm becoming a bit of a prude in my 50s...) Bigfoot is evidently not a fan of couples doing the nasty in vans in his woods. ironically, the woman here is Debbie. and she watches Bigfoot snatch her man right off her and take him outside, then he slow motion slides down the window lubricated with his own blood moaning 'help me help me' while Debbie holds the blanket to her naked body and just moans, looking like a cow in a slaughter house.
but I digress. the opening scene is a brutal murder where Bigfoot rips the fisherman's arm off, he bleeds out and the blood runs into the Bigfoot track and fills it. then there is a couple power walking across a college campus through the opening credits.
Gesh. maybe if I had went to college, I could've went on one of these extra-point expeditions and been brutally murdered. at that point extra credit wouldn't even matter anymore, eh? (or if I had been an actress.....)
now you're camped in the crusty old dude's yard and he keeps blowing off your interview.
evidently Bigfoot doesn't like people in sleeping bags, either. that dude got launched and impaled on a tree branch.
which may've been better than our friend Mr. Motorcycle Dude, who made the bad decision of pulling off the road to smoke AND piss in the woods. (Bigfoot doesn't seem to like either of these activities, doesn't matter who the director is, it's pretty much universal that you will die violently in these situations.) I sure don't remember ever seeing a dick in an 80s movie before either (except for porn....that's on a need to know basis.) but here they close up on it, then Bigfoot grabs it, drags him into the woods, and dude staggers out bleeding like a stuck pig and minus his dick. makes it hard to ride a motorcycle. so he just bleeds all over it and dies.
now we're making a plaster footprint cast. good idea. (letting Crazy Wanda smash it, bad idea. it never would' ve made it back, anyway...)
You'll see enough nature on the side of the road.
none of the towns people want to help them find their next interview subject, Crazy Wanda. oh, they'll tell you her daddy went nuts and burnt himself alive. that she had an deformed mongoloid illegitimate baby that died at birth...they're religious fanatics...cannibals..and Crazy Wanda doesn't even talk, anyway. no one can find her cabin.
so they stumble into some weird ass ritualistic breeding with the Demon ceremony with a Bigfoot effigy...
guys...guys...guys.... a little hanky panky in the woods may seem all sweet and romantic...but Bigfoot doesn't care for this sort of behavior. you're just gonna get a nasty scratch this time...but (newsflash) neither of you is going to survive... I mean, are you paying attention to the awful gory campfire stories your Professor is dishing out about all the creative ways Bigfoot kills people? ripping off body parts? making Girl Scouts stab each other with their knives? chopping the Woodsman up with his own axe? Bigfoot is kinda a dick. and special effects have come a long way since the early 80s!
Now, Bigfoot's not playing games anymore. Someone has to start standing guard.
Reading the tombstones by the cabin? no. no. no. Bigfoot is watching you.
yeah, something did happen to Pete. his head sounded like a punkin when Bigfoot smashed it into the tree.
so the gang breaks the padlock on Crazy Wanda's room. rude.
are you a licensed hypnotist? cause Crazy Wanda is already crazy. she has problems of her own. making her go back to age 15 when her father was a batshit crazy minister and beat her on the front porch for hanging out with a boy. threw her out of the house in a rain storm, then stood on the front porch watching her get raped by Bigfoot in her own front yard while you're begging the Lord for whatever. then you had Bigfoot's baby, although dad tried to get you to drink all matter of stuff to make the baby die. you had this baby alone. your dad was over there in the corner talking to The Lord, but nothing nice about you. or your baby. then he kills your poor deformed baby. and you lock him in the barn and burn him alive. then sit in your chair and rock.
the Professor tells us here that some species can interbreed. and they're exhuming the graves to see if it was a Bigfoot baby. was he trying to save his species? And Bigfoot shows up. what would you do if someone was bothering your girlfriend and digging up your dead baby? I think he was justified here. I mean, it's a Bigfoot movie. not many make it out alive.
Bigfoot brings Wanda gifts. leaves them on the porch.
and Bigfoot is coming in the cabin, bars on the windows be damned. throwing dishes at him won't help either, ladies.
I have to get some pictures of that thing! oh, wow. awesome idea. he's just gonna knock the camera out of your hand and expose your film. and you're dying, anyway.
holy gratuitous violence, Bigfoot. throttled. a saw, then pulling his guts out and tossing them around the room. a rake in the back. throwing him through the window and slitting his throat on the broken glass. burning the Professor's face on the stove. His wife did tell him not to go. but did he listen? and now he's in the pysch ward and has been diagnosed criminally insane...

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