Friday, October 6, 2017

Southern Fried Bigfoot

people have this perception that like tornadoes, Bigfoot are drawn to mobile trailer parks. (guilty.)
Bigfoot lives? Come on. How cool is that?
Chester Moore Jr author of Bigfoot South and Bigfoot Lives-Deal With It. (love that title!)
you need to get in the bed or the boogers will get you.
in the south Bigfoot has 3-5 toes. inbreeding? shallower gene pool?
Fouke Monster Mart.
He still prowls the bottom land.
what if in the little town of Fouke there is a hairy monster running around?
1969 Lake Worth Monster: hurling tires, harassing people parking, chasing cars, half man/half goat.
Honey Island Swamp Monster. alligator, raccoon, nutria, and black bear live in the swamp? why not a Bigfoot? there are Honey Island Swamp Tours. 4 toed webbed prints.
Loup Garou french speaking werewolf.
Personally, I keep an open mind about swamp monsters.
Everglades: The Skunk Ape. Smelliest Bigfoot. Airboat USA Tour Company. We find these disemboweled creatures all the time. that's a good sign he's here.
If we have one, why not have another one? (as in Bigfoot)
Bigfoot represents the unknown.
We haven't found everything that's out there. We don't know everything.
What did you see? I think I saw Bigfoot.
Jefferson, TX every fall Bigfoot Weekend.
Southern Crypto Conference.
I have accepted the fact that North America has a hidden species of primate.
Do I know a Bigfoot did this? Absolutely not. Do I think a Bigfoot could of done this? Definitely.
We can capture one. Good luck.
I don't really believe Bigfoot wears blue jeans.
Bigfoot=Big Joke.
"crazy" witnesses.
If even one of those people are telling the truth, then there is something out there.
A flesh and blood animal.
it is possible for animals to elude western science.
ample evidence: footprints, sightings, grainy film.
bury their dead? cannibals? forest recycles quickly.
Kevin Michael Anderson statue Giganticpitheous
whether you believe in them or not-Bigfoot is here to stay.
there's something credible going on.
people will believe what they want to believe.
keep it in perspective.
(Hmmmm. will Bigfoot end up in the zoo? the circus? on the endangered species list? will their body parts be sold on the black market as wonder drugs?)
the wind. overactive imaginations. shadows.
keep your eyes and ears open-that rustle in the bushes could be something watching you from the shadows of the trees....

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